Look at the food you're feeding your body and replace some of the belly busters with slimming stomach staples (as in crucial diet ingredients, not invasive surgery fasteners). You know you can't eat 4,000 calories a day and get great abs, but it's not just about the calorie count when it comes to a flat stomach - it's also about the food. "All things being equal, if your daily caloric intake is set at 1,400 calories, a diet of nutrient-rich foods is going to keep you fuller longer, reducing your cravings and giving you more energy, compared to the same number of calories of less nutritious food, which will help you on your road to a better body," says Tracey Ryan, MS, RD.
According to a report from the experts at Framingham Nutrition Studies, certain foods lend themselves to bigger bellies. The study reported that women who ate 400 fewer calories per day, but chose less nutritious foods than the participants that made better selections, had a higher risk of abdominal obesity by nearly 2 1/2 times. Those making poor food selections also had a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart attacks according to the study's director of nutrition research. The five foods you'll need for flatter abs will help you be healthier and leaner, plus, you'll be pleasantly surprised by some of the suggestions. Now start eating yourself skinny!
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
Selenium: One marvelous mineral.
Booze it and lose it!
5. FISH: Me and Fatty McGee: Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Before we get to the actual workout, let's get something straight. You will not achieve great looking abs unless you reduce body fat and adhere to the following guidelines:
2. Cardiovascular Exercise -- Perform three to four days per week of cardiovascular exercise for approximately 25-30 minutes. Find an activity that's fun such as aerobic video tapes, belly dancing classes, walking with a friend, etc. 3. Weight Training -- Just two to three workout sessions lasting no more than 30-40 minutes will do the trick. And once you start losing fat, you'll see some lean and defined muscles. 4. Consistency -- You'll need to be consistent most of the time. I'm not suggesting perfection and a life of constant denial, but let's face it, if you want to make changes you have to make some sacrifices. First of all, this won't last long---no longer than about 12 minutes because endless amounts of abdominal exercises are simply not necessary. However, it will be a tough 12 minutes. Now, plop on that floor and let’s work your abs. Once your body fat begins to reduce, you’ll start to notice a tight set of abdominals forming from the result of this program. THE WORKOUT The first thing to do is warm-up for 5 minutes by walking, stretching, dancing, playing with thge kids, or a little strenuous housework. Then, yous'll do better if you psychologically prepare yourself for a non-stop ab workout that will have you huffing and puffing. The training method you’ll be using is referred to as "timed sets". You should perform each exercise below for as many repetitions as possible. Once you cannot complete another rep, go immediately to the next exercise and continue the cycle. There is no waiting between sets. When beginning, set yourself a goal, say 5 reps and then increase by 1 or 2 each day or so. Don’t forget to time your workout and please -- no more than 12 minutes! Although it may seem necessary to perform the workout daily, performing the workout on three alternate days per week will suffice. Don't forget to count and write down the total number of reps performed for each exercise during the workout. The final goal should be 64 total reps for each workout. LET'S GET STARTED:
Lie on the floor face up. Bend your knees until your legs are at a 45 degree angle with both feet on the floor. Your back should be comfortably relaxed on the floor. Place both hands behind your head.
Key Points:
Lie on the floor with your back relaxed and your hands on the floor by your hips. Keep the upper back pressed into the floor throughout the exercise.
Key Points:
Sit on a chair or bench with your legs extended in front of you. Your hands should be under your glutes for balance.
Key Points:
This exercise is based on time and not reps. The Transverus Abdominis muscle is muscle that holds your abs tight and flat. It’s a thin sheet of muscle running along the sides of the abs and joins connective tissue behind it and is your body’s natural corset. When you suck your stomach in, you have just used your Transversus. This is the only muscle that can help pull the stomach inward.
Start by exhaling absolutely every bit of air from your lungs. Then, relax your abdomen and let it hang like a loose sling, but don't increase the arch in your lower back. Next, pull the navel in as if I just told you to suck in your stomach as tight as possible. Continue to breathe lightly through your nostrils, but make sure you’re pulling your navel in as tight as you can. Hold the contraction for 40 seconds but make sure it’s very tight. In time, you’ll notice the abdominal area pulled in and looking flatter. This exercise provides benefit with no repetitious movement. |